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army corps 軍。

Georgia ' s governor , sonny perdue , who earlier urged georgians to take “ shorter showers ” , filed a lawsuit on october 19th seeking to force the army corps of engineers to stop draining so much water from georgia ' s reservoirs to supply alabama and florida 早前竭力主張民眾“短暫淋浴“的佐治亞州州長桑尼?珀杜于10月19日提起了訴訟,試圖強迫阻止陸軍工程兵團放掉蓄水庫太多的淡水來供應給阿拉巴馬州和佛羅里達州。

army corps commander

At the case , the 9343 factory in jiangxi province improve navy 37millimeter gun shrapnel , but the army corps side bring forward that improved navy 37millimeter gun shrapnel and the old navy 37millimeter gun shrapnel must use the same firing table , in other words , the navy 37millimeter improved gun shrapnel and the old gun shrapnel keep the same ballistic trajectory in availability gunshot , therefore , the purpose of the paper , according to theory and experimentation study , confirm the better improved shrapnel project at the base of 9343 factory bringing forward the improved shrapnel project 在此狀況下,江西9343廠對海37毫米制式榴彈進行了改進,但軍方提出今后改進的海37毫米艦炮榴彈必須與原制式榴彈通用射表,即海37改進彈與原制式榴彈在有效射程內保持彈道一致。因此,本文的目的就是通過理論與試驗研究,在9343廠提出的改進彈方案基礎上,研究確定出一致性狀態較佳的改進彈結構方案。

Anna pavlovnas set refused to admit any french people but the most unimpeachable legitimists ; and in her drawing - room the patriotic view found expression that the french theatre ought not to be patronised , and that the maintenance of the french company there cost as much as the maintenance of a whole army corps 參加安娜帕夫洛夫娜集團的法國人僅限于頑固的保皇黨,所以,這里表現出來的愛國思想是,不該上法國劇院,認為維持一個劇團的經費抵得上維持一個軍團的經費。

Georgia ' s governor , sonny perdue , who earlier urged georgians to take “ shorter showers ” , filed a lawsuit on october 19th seeking to force the army corps of engineers to stop draining so much water from georgia ' s reservoirs to supply alabama and florida 早前竭力主張民眾“短暫淋浴“的佐治亞州州長桑尼?珀杜于10月19日提起了訴訟,試圖強迫阻止陸軍工程兵團放掉蓄水庫太多的淡水來供應給阿拉巴馬州和佛羅里達州。

This article thinks agricultural itself can not solve deeply ? level contradiction which appear in the army corps modern agricultural development process . it is necessary to jump out the agriculture and to solve question limiting agricultural development 本文認為兵團現代農業發展過程中出現的深層次矛盾,是農業本身解決不了的,必須要跳出農業,解決約束農業發展的問題。

Asn attaches to npu . the company is mainly engaged on researching , developing and manufacturing uav that are supplied to army corps . it is a modern high - tech corporation integrates with research , industry and trade 愛生技術集團公司隸屬于西北工業大學,主要從事軍用無人飛行器的研制、開發和生產,集科、工、貿一體化的現代化高科技企業。

The us army corps of engineers have begun a program to restore wildlife habitat by creating new islands along a massive , three - mile stretch of the mississippi river 美國陸軍工兵部隊展開新計劃,在長達三英里的密西西比河沿岸建造新島嶼,以重建野生生物的棲息地。

Lee , j . j . ( 1969 ) , wave induced oscillations in harbors of arbitrary shape , u . s . army corps of engineers 尹彰、周宗仁、林?圭、黃偉柏( 1998 ) ,平面造波水池之特性探討,第二十屆海洋工程研討會議論文集, 95 - 102頁。

These forces later grew into an army corps and still more troops came under its influence ; only then did the northern expedition take place 往后擴大成為一個軍,影響了更多的軍隊,于是才有北伐之役。

Oftraffic specialists , right - of - way attorneys and the army corps of engineers . . 由交通專家,通路權律師,和工程師組成的小組. .

Oftraffic specialists , right - of - way attorneys and the army corps of engineers 由交通專家,通路權律師,和工程師組成的小組

U . s . army corps of engineer 美國陸軍工團

Years ago , i was with the army corps of engineers 很多年前,我和一些工程師一起

One army corps lost two thirds of its transport animals . 有一個軍團死掉了三分之二的馱畜。